Sunday, October 18, 2009

Guitarist & Singer Pierre Bensusan - Oct 13

I was fotunate to not only meet French guitarist & singer Pierre Bensusan but also to attend two of his concerts this past week at CSUSM. He was absolutely wonderful and his music was divine. It was very moving and relaxing all at the same time. I was amazed to watch him play and hope he is able to come back to our campus again. As I sat in the dark theater, I closed my eyes and was taken away. He literally played the hell out of his guitar and I was amazed as I watched his fingers move about the guitar. The only way I know how to explain it is to say "he played the shit out of that instrument and I've never seen anything like it." No wonder he was voted the greatest guitar player!

I now play his CD continously and am transformed when I hear it.

Chicano Park San Diego - Oct. 13

Today I attended a very unique presentation about Chicano Park.

This event took place at the Clarke Tuesday evening. It was a small crowd but very interesting subject matter. I learned about the process and the struggle that Chicanos went through to not only create a beautiful park full of interesting murals but I also learned about the struggle they endured to own it. The park is full of wall murals about their struggle and about their culture and beliefs. The panel consisted of several chair members of the board for the Chicano Park and all of them were either artists or activists who have been participating in the project since it began in the 1970’s. The project reminded me very much of the artist Professor Avalos recommended me to research, Diego Garcia. Both his work and the work in the Chicano Park are very politically charged. My next goal is to visit the park.

I have often admired the art of the Chicano culture because of the rich colors and symbolism but as I research further about murals and Chicano/a artists, I am learning to embrace the art and culture even more.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Portrait of an Artist - Diego Riveria Film Screening

I am currently working on a wall mural project at the child care center on campus so Professor Avalos has recommended some materials for me to research. He forwarded me the documentary film titled, "Portrait of an Artist - Diego Riveria.

I screened this video once but then had to go back and review it again because I wanted more time to see the images of his artwork. Riveria is a wonderful artist but most importantly, he is a great artist to research because all of his work was very politically charged.

I've always wanted to find a means to make my art more than "just a pretty picture" and much like Simon Silva, Diego Riveria is an artist who does this. He uses his art to communicate his views and make a stance in what he believes. Th film talks about how respected he was but also how he worked on projects that were stopped mid-stream because other officials did not approve of his views.

Teatro Izcalli Anthology - 9/30

On Wednesday, 9/30 I attended a great comedy act presented by Arts & Lectures. It was a latino/a comedy act consisint of about 10 various theater members of Izcalli. All members are local community members and most were graduates of UCSD or California State.

The performance consisted of several short skits about family, life and what's like to be a Latino/a in today's society. One skit was a take off from the tv show "Seinfeld" in which George and Jerry are exaggerating how devastating it would be to "drop a tortilla". One of the acts consisted of all the actors playing out different characters attending a rehab to break the Latino lifestyle. The mediator for the rehab session was in character of "Frida" the well known Latina artist from Mexico.

The audience enjoyed the nice change of pace in having comedy as part of the education circuit.
Parts of the performance were in english and parts were in spanish but it was a performance enjoyed by all.

Southern California Indian Basketry -9/24

I attended several presentations about indigenous cultures but the event presentation by Lydia Vassar on 9/24 in the courtyard of the CSUSM campus was quite interesting and informative. Lydia had guest volunteers who were children from her school and as she presented and educated the viewer about various native plants, the children demonstrated how weaved baskets, art pieces and tools used to gather chia seeds. We learned about plants such as juncus, deergrass, etc. She also spoke about preserving the plants so that they continue to grow back each year.

It was a very hot afternoon out under the canopy on this day, but the audience was engaged and interested in the days events.